Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How A Simple Smile Can Make Someone's Day :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Current mood: Happy

The nicest thing happened to me today and I want to share it with everyone and hopefully this message will get passed along...

My message is simply....smile. A smile can go along way and for me it has. A complete stranger smiled at me today and it so made my day!

I went to NYC today and on the train ride home, while I was standing ready to exit the train as we approached Stamford, I noticed a man look at my necklace. He then looked up and as our eyes met he gave me a smile. Why is this a big deal? It's a big deal because I wear a breast cancer survivor necklace. His smile meant so much to me.

In the past people would stare at me and it used to PISS ME OFF! They would stare at my bald head and make me feel like crap. Even as my hair grew back, I still got stares. I'm happy to say today that I just look like I have a short hair cut and no longer look like a chemo patient.

Now if people wanted to stare and then smile at me, that would have been OK. But that never happened.

I guess my point is that a simple gesture such as smiling at someone can really make a difference...

So to the man on 3:38 pm train from NYC to Stamford, I say Thank You for making my day!

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